A solo digital sign language performance by London-based Deaf Japanese artist Chisato Minamimura
About the Event
Scored in Silence unpacks the hidden perspectives of Deaf people from the small number that survived the horrors of the atomic bomb atrocity in Japan in 1945.
Survivors of the A-bomb are known as “hibakusha,” and the final performance is based on a period of research, interviews and original films of elderly Deaf people with lived experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Minamimura brings these untold narratives into stark relief, touching upon the atrocity of the event and its aftermath, including the layers of discrimination experienced by these isolated members of Japanese society.
Chisato Minamimura is a Deaf performance artist, choreographer and BSL art guide. Born in Japan, now based in London, Chisato has created, performed and taught internationally and is currently a Work Place artist at The Place. Chisato has been involved in aerial performances with Graeae Theatre Company, London’s Paralympic Opening Ceremony and Rio’s 2016 Paralympic Cultural Olympiad.
Chisato approaches choreography and performance making from her unique perspective as a Deaf artist, experimenting with and exploring the visualisation of sound and music. By using dance and digital technology, Chisato aims to share her experiences of sensory perception and human encounters.
Scored in Silence was selected for the British Council Edinburgh Fringe Festival Showcase in 2019, and toured to Tunisia in 2019 and to Canada in 2022. It has also been presented digitally, with online workshops and screenings taking place in Canada, Chile, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, the UK and Venezuela.
What did you experience?
This was an online digital piece. After booking you will received a link on the day of the event, and you had 24 hours to watch the film.
Age Guidance & Warnings
Access information
This digital performance was presented in BSL with English voiceover
Audio Described and Captioned versions were also available
Audience members were provided with links to all three versions of the film when booking.